Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 29

This is YOUR opportunity to hear Mark Larson at Life Center! It happens once and only once THIS SATURDAY, June 2 during the 6pm Prayer & Praise Service! Details of the call of God on his life and location of his ministry cannot be put into print or published. You will have to hear this dynamic and passionate man of God for yourself. See you at 6pm this Saturday.

Rev. Mark Jones (the cool guy from Mauritius who was with us last Sunday) - surely you picked up on what a tremendous missionary and minister he is. While we were all loading our plates with international food at Emma's Fellowship Celebration on Sunday - Mark was still praying with people at the altar. He was at the altar praying for person after person nearly the entire time of the luncheon. Isn't it great to see servants of the Lord like that???!!!

It's a big weekend - don't miss any of it. Read your Bible. Come and pray. Catch up on your Building Campaign pledge. Be ready for the Spirit of God to use you. Hebrews 6:12 until I see you this weekend.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pastor John F. Clark Blogs for Jesus

May 16

It's time for the $64,000 Question! Well, OK - it IS time for your questions, however! This summer I'm planning an informal teaching time on Wednesday evenings (somebody has to use our new patio!) that's built around questions YOU would like to have answered. Of course, we will look at what the Bible has to say for wisdom and guidance, but here is where you come in:

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS NOW! They do not have to be all spiritual-sounding or theologically and intellectually crafted. If you really WANT to know about transubstantiation, propitiation, or "whatever happened to the goat in Leviticus 16?" that's OK, but I'm looking for good, honest questions about life, about God, about the church, about your family - whatever.

"How do I have a good marriage?" "How should I have family prayer and devotional times?" "What is up with this prophecy stuff and speaking in languages I don't understand?" "Are there still have miracles?" "How do I know if I am saved? Some days I just don't feel like I am"

I will take the questions submitted in writing or via email a week ahead of time and then we will have a study of the Word of God springing from your questions.

You can submit them anonymously in the QUESTIONS BOX on the information table, or email me at jclark3333@aol.com. I want to know what is on your heart and on your mind so that the transforming power of the scriptures by the Holy Spirit can guide and direct you into a deeper love for the Lord and a more passionate life.

Sounds like fun and it will be. SO START TO SEND ME YOUR Q'S NOW!

May 13

It is that time of year once again when we meet as a congregation to elect the Board of Directors and take a few moments to reflect on the EXTREME goodness of God over the past year. Please plan to stay for the meeting as it is your responsibility as a voting member. We have been privileged in that several of our elections in recent years have been unanimous! That in itself is a MIRACLE and demonstrates the unity of vision in the people of Life Center.

Here's what we are doing and how we got there:

The only official order of business is to elect the BOARD OF DIRECTORS for a 2-year term as prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws. Each member will cast a secret ballot and vote “Yes” or “No” for the entire slate as presented.

The Nominating Committee has been fantastic to work with in presenting three new and fully qualified candidates to join those on the Board with remaining eligibility and willingness to serve. Serving on the Nominating Committee this year were: Arita Balken (women's ministry), Jim Laine (Missions Team), Ruth Campbell (FCN),Mary Boone (at large), Keith Fuller (at large), Edith Hilliard (at large), and Elder Gene Camarata (deacons).

The ballot for the 2007-2008 Board of Directors will have the following names for election: Lora Laine, Victorien Wawa, Mark Fredenberg, Troy Sprecker, Keith Fuller, Gerry Sachs, Edith Hilliard, and Hariah Hutkowski (treasurer; non-voting). Board terms coming to an end this year are Dick Legge, Ruth Campbell and Gary Resnick.

If you would like to ask any questions about the budget and see the Board’s proposal for operating in the next 12 months, please plan to attend the Towne Hall Meeting at 6pm on Wednesday, May 16 in the Great Room. If that time doesn’t work for you, contact Tony Higgins, Hariah Hutkowski, or Troy Sprecker to schedule a private time to answer your budget questions. See you Sunday!

May 6

BRING YOUR SICKNESS! It seems like so many in the Life Center tribe have been dealing with round after round of the nastiest sicko-bugs lately. Should you or members of your family find yourself sick/under the weather/feeling rotten/facing surgery/headed for the doctor - COME TO THE CHURCH and have someone pray with you in the mighty Name of JESUS. With everything God has been doing in the house lately, you might as well be the NEXT miracle of wholeness and healing!

I read what Jesus said just today:

John 16 23 "And in that day you will ask Me no question. Truly, truly I say to you, if you shall ask the Father for anything, He will give it to you in My name. 24 Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, that your joy may be made full."

Afraid to ask? Never tried it before? It is the privilege of believers to ask for their Master's help. Big requests honor God because it shows we have a big faith in the One and Only BIG GOD who can help us when we pray and believe in Jesus' name. He's alive and He desires you to be fully alive.

Luke 17:19 And Jesus said, "Rise, and go your way; your faith has made you well."

Believe it and receive it! James 5:14 until we meet in the House. -Pastor Clark

April 26

Life in the house! What extreme joy to have 11 persons baptized in water this past Wednesday evening. All ages, sizes, shapes and colors, too!

The Kingdom of God is not an exclusive "club" but truly is the assembly of the broken who are now restored and whole through Jesus. If you have recently made Jesus the Savior and Lord of your life, step in to the full life He offers you. Learn to pray, start reading your Bible (you'll be amazed how relevantly it speaks to your life and your situation now that you belong to Him), and enjoy the fellowship of the terrific people in the Life Center tribe.

LIFE CENTER FRIENDS, DO ME A FAVOR: with so many coming to Christ on Sunday mornings, please to not pass by as if this were just another ordinary "thing" in this life. It is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirt in response to the preaching of His Word. THIS IS THE REASON JESUS CAME AND DIED AND ROSE AGAIN - that we would "Make disciples ... teaching them all I commanded you."

At the moment of birth, every baby is helpless and dependent completely on the grace and kindness of someone else; it is no different for those who are BORN AGAIN.

Extend your love, your kindness, and your time in tangible ways to the ones God is calling to Himself in these last days. Don't know what to say? Trust the LORD and he will help you. This is the work of God and it is marvelous in our eyes. Decide to do the Jesus thing and love without limits.

Thursday, May 10, 2007